Weight Loss Products

Monday, March 12, 2012

Chinese Weight Loss Tea

Tava Tea is a 100% organic weight loss tea which has been developed to the highest possible manufacturing standards with the best quality ingredients. Tava Tea is proven to work and will help reduce both body fat and cholesterol levels. 

Chinese tea is a time honoured tradition that has been used in China for thousands of years. It started off as a medicine then slowly evolved into a beverage and became a hallmark in China�s culture. The Chinese tea drinking habit soon became prevalent around the globe and to all walks of life.

There is sufficient evidence to suggest that by drinking Chinese tea on a regular basis it will enable you to become slimmer by burning off excess fat and calories. Chinese tea is an ideal and convienient extra to add to your daily routine.

Science shows that Chinese green tea creates a surge in metabolism making it easier (and quicker!) to burn excess fat. This is achieved by the catechin polyphenols in Green tea reacting with the chemical transmitter in the nervous system, this is known as Norepinephrine which will burn calories faster. Green tea has thermogenic properties which helps to encourage fat oxidation at a much higher rate than the caffeine in Green tea does.

With such positive evidence, Chinese slimming teas are becoming increasingly popular and even more widely available on the market than ever before. They are generally manufactured with the combination of traditional Chinese herbs and are aimed at those wanting to get slim.

Chinese teas are divided into 8 classes: Black tea, Green Tea, Oolong tea, Red tea, White tea.

Black leaf tea is the most widely drank tea in the Western world. While all teas are made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant it is the most oxidized variety and contains more caffeine and has a stronger taste than other varieties. Studies have shown that Black tea can help to bolster the immune system, decease the level of stress hormones and reduce the risk of strokes. it is full of polyphenols, the antioxidant that protects the body from free radicals that damage cells.

Green Tea gets its distinctive colour because it is not fermented like black teas. It has more health benefits than black tea because its nutrients are not destroyed through processing. It is known to encourage calorie burning and oxidation of fat. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is the major constituent in Green tea and is much more potent antioxidant than Vitamin C or Vitamin E.

Oolong Tea also known as Wu Long tea is a mixture between black and green tea. It is the only type of tea that goes through a very long and broad process of fermentation as the leaves of Oolong are plucked and bruised to release oil. It is rich in plant polyphenols just like Green tea and contains all the tea antioxidants that you will find in every tea; Catechins, Thearubgin and Theaflavin. It is widely used for weight loss, some say it is an even more effective calorie burner than Green tea.

Red tea is made from the oxidized and dried leaves of the Aspalathis Linearis plant. It has many health benefits and is a very tasty tea which is making it a very popular choice. It contains no caffeine and shown to help ease insomnia, headaches, irritability, hyper tension and nervous tension.

White tea is derived from young buds of the Camellia sinensis plant. It has very high concentrations of antioxidants and polyphenols. The benefits of white tea are its ability to lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, fight cancers, increase bone density and help to boost the immune system.